Cheer Clinics 

During our cheer clinics, we will work on dance, minor tumbling, stunting, body positions and jump skills.  No experience necessary and ages 4-14 are welcome.  Our coaches will help you learn cheer form and techniques to become a stronger athlete and prepare for sideline cheer season or joining a cheer competition team. 

Come join us for our PRE-season training sessions February 3rd through April 28th.

Cheer clinics on Mondays from 7:05-8:00. This class is perfect to sharpen skills for your upcoming competition/sideline season or get ready for those middle and junior high cheerleading tryouts . Cheer clinics are also great for anyone who has never cheered but think they may be interested and would like to try the sport out a little bit before committing to a team.  NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!


Monthly Autopay
$50 per month*

Pay As You Go 
$15 per class ( credit card fees will apply)*
OR  attend both clinics on the same night (cheer and tumble) for only $25!


*$35 annual membership fee for all athletes

Clinics are held at the Boys and Girls Club at 101 Freedom Way - Jasper, GA 30143